Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You? 13 Common Reasons & How To Stop It?
Most dog owners have undoubtedly experienced this situation. You’re about to snuggle up with your dog and watch a movie before going to bed because it’s late.
When you invite your dog to join you in bed, it comes but as soon as it does, it turns its furry bum away from you and lies down on the bed.
Pet owners may be wondering, “Why does my dog lay its bum facing me every time this happens?” Fido wants to hug me, doesn’t he?
Does my dog hate me because it constantly thrusts its behind in my face?
While this typical behavior is undoubtedly strange to us humans and could be a sign of trouble if it were your partner in question, it’s entirely normal canine body language.
So, why do dogs sleep with their bum facing you?
Dogs sleep with their bum facing you, because it is their natural instinct and how they would sleep in the wild, dogs always sleep with their backs to their owners. This enables them to face a different direction than you, allowing you both to watch for warning signs of danger and defend one another as necessary.
Read on to learn the 10 reasons dogs prefer to sleep with their bum facing you, whether you want to stop your dog from giving you the cold shoulder or you’re just curious.
Please continue reading for more information.
Table of Contents
The Behavior Is It Typical?
You might be wondering if this behavior is normal or one that needs training to stop. The truth is, it’s normal (at least for most dog breeds). For a variety of reasons, dogs often sleep with their bums toward you.
Why Do Dogs Sleep With Their Bum Facing You?
Natural Pack Mentality For Protection
Dogs in the wild turn in different directions as they sleep in packs. They can see danger approaching from all directions because they are able to face the various directions.
One dog can warn the others if he notices something, allowing them to get up and prepare to defend the pack.
Demonstrating Submission
Dogs that are obedient to their owners are more likely to sleep on the opposite side from them. Dogs frequently face their owners when they want to assert their dominance.
To Avoid Eye Contact
Some dogs prefer not to look each other in the eyes. They might think their owners are intimidating them, or they might feel guilty or ashamed of something they did.
If your dog prefers to sleep with his back to you, it may be because he lacks the confidence to address you directly.
Direct eye contact is regarded as a threatening gesture in the world of canines, despite the fact that this is something that many people are unaware of.
Don’t be offended if your dog frequently or prefers to look away from your face; he’s just doing what comes naturally.
To Prevent Becoming Overheated
Dogs are prone to getting too hot and panting a lot to cool down, which is not very conducive to sleeping.
When they experience your body heat, they may also become hot. They can move more freely and remain cooler when they face the opposite direction of you.
For Security
Dogs are pack animals by nature, just like humans are social beings who thrive when living in companionship and solidarity with others.
They frequently want to go everywhere with their human family and even sleep in the same bed once they form a close bond with them.
They have an ingrained instinct to stick with their pack in order to fortify interpersonal ties and expand their security network, which in turn increases the pack’s chances of surviving.
Most likely, your animal friend regards you as the alpha male in its pack. It is understandable that your dog would want to be close to you because you are the alpha, as this will ensure that you both are protected.
Your dog may choose to sleep with its back to you in order to protect you from potential dangers. This is one of the reasons why your dog may choose to sleep with its surroundings to the side of you.
Your dog feels more ready to jump at the first sign of trouble to defend its loved ones because its front is facing the environment and its butt is facing you.
Out Of Trust
Your dog may prefer to sleep with its back to you because doing so conveys trust and passivity.
A dog’s innate instinct is to keep an eye out for potential danger signs and to position itself toward them so that it can respond swiftly and appropriately.
Your dog is telling you through its body language that it doesn’t fear being hurt by you; on the contrary, it has complete faith in you and knows you literally have its back.
Your dog keeps an eye on your front while you watch its vulnerable back.
If your dog sleeps on its side or its back, it is another sign that it has gained your trust and is at ease enough to lower its guard around you. It also shows that it believes you will look after it while it sleeps.
A dog displays trust in a variety of ways when not sleeping or napping. Your dog will be at ease around you if it obeys your commands, wags its tail, maintains eye contact, and blinks slowly. These behaviors indicate that your dog trusts you and feels safe with you.
Always remember that dogs are very good at reading people’s emotions. In contrast, if you’re in a good mood, your pup will be as well. If you’re feeling down after a long day at work, your pup will undoubtedly notice it and may become less trusting of you.
By not acting in any way that might have a negative effect on your relationship with your dog, you should foster their trust in you. Additionally, you should spend a lot of time developing a close relationship with your dog.
To Indicate A Problem
Dogs also adopt this sleeping position when they have a problem in their bums. You might notice rashes, bumps, and a foul smell around the bum area, a telltale sign of a flea infestation.
The fleas hide in the coat around the bum and latch on the skin to feed on a dog’s blood and lay eggs. They itch and irritate the area around the anus, which frequently results in excessive licking. It would be best to see a veterinarian in that situation.
For Comfort
When there is typically a much simpler explanation for a behavior, we humans have a tendency to find deep meaning in it.
Your dog may turn its bum toward you while it sleeps for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it prefers that position because it feels most comfortable there.
Your dog also needs to find a comfortable position to lay in if it hopes to get a good night’s sleep, just like you do.
Your puppy may occasionally only require your physical presence while it is off on its own.
By carefully observing how it behaves while it sleeps, you can tell if your dog is at ease.
It’s a good indication that your dog is sleeping soundly if it is lying on its side with its bum facing you and its legs extended.
When a dog is at ease in their surroundings and with the temperature of their environment, they frequently sleep in this position.
If your dog twitches and makes soft moans, this is another sign that it is deeply asleep. The majority of deep sleep and dreaming take place during the REM phase of sleep, which is identified by the acronym REM.
Even if your dog’s bum is in your face, it’s best not to wake it up while it’s dreaming. You can always step back and let it sleep for a while.
Fun fact: Humans typically experience REM sleep for 20 to 25% of the night, whereas dogs typically only experience REM sleep for about 10% of their sleep.
Scent Marking
Since they want to leave their scent on you, most dog breeds may also choose to sleep with their bums facing you.
Scent glands, also known as anal sacs, are present on both sides of the anus in all dog breeds and secrete various pheromones. The only other dogs that can detect these pheromones, which are specific to each individual dog, are canine companion animals.
It’s possible that your dog is simply using those scent glands to leave its distinctive scent on you.
When a dog wants to let other animals know that their owner is a member of their pack, they frequently mark the person with their own scent.
As a sign of greeting or recognition, dogs will also sniff each other’s butts.
Regardless of how repulsive it may seem, it’s a completely normal behavior, so you shouldn’t worry too much about it. Your dog is simply expressing its love for you in yet another way.
However, if your puppy has a bad habit of urinating or defecating inside the home and you want to stop it, read our article on how to potty train your dog.
To Avoid Ventral Contact
The word ventral is an anatomical term meaning the front or underside, with its antonym being dorsal, which refers to the backside or posterior.
Most dogs generally dislike ventral contact, in contrast to how humans are hard-wired to interact with one another face-to-face.
The security component of why dogs sleep with their bums facing you correlates with this, which is partially driven by instinct.
Your dog will typically turn away from you in order to better protect you if it is lying next to you.
In order to be able to quickly close the distance between you if any trouble arises, your dog is usually more likely to turn toward you when sleeping in a dog bed away from you.
Ask For Affection
Your dog might be requesting affection if it turns its bum toward you for another reason.
Dogs frequently engage in a behavior known as the “hip nudge,” in which they approach you and nudge their rearward in an effort to get you to pet their bum.
Dogs enjoy having their entire body rubbed, and their cute butt is one of the most pleasurable areas to do so.
This is mainly because their rear is covered in a dense network of delicate nerve endings and is difficult for them to access independently.
When you give your dog a good scratch on the back, you’ll frequently notice it leaning in and wagging its tail, which is a good indication of enjoyment.
Not all dogs prefer the posterior pat, though. Jordan, my seven-year-old Chipin (a cross between the Chihuahua and the Miniature Pinscher), no longer enjoys having his bum scratched, despite enjoying it as a puppy.
Although he enjoys having his ears stroked, if someone tries to pat him behind or on the underside of his belly, he will simply grunt and back away.

Flea Infestation/Anal Gland Infection
You should be aware that there might be a problem if your dog keeps asking you to scratch its bum.
Keep track of your dog’s behavior over time. An anal gland infection or a flea infestation may be present if there is a foul smell coming from the animal’s anus or if it frequently bites, licks, or drags its bum across the ground.
In that case, you ought to take your dog to the veterinarian.
One of the most unpleasant canine health conditions to deal with is impacted or clogged dog anal glands, which, if untreated, may result in serious bacterial infections or even cancer of the anal gland.
Despite the fact that the majority of dogs are healthy, up to 15% of them have impacted anal glands that swell and hurt, causing blocked sacs that need to be emptied by a veterinarian.
Severe soft tissue trauma can result from the issue’s persistence or recurrence.
Fleas are a type of external parasite that can attach to the skin around a dog’s butt, hide there, feed on the blood supply, and lay their eggs in the fur.
If left untreated, this can seriously harm your dog’s health and irritate the skin around the anus.
Your health may also be impacted by fleas, so it’s critical to address the issue as soon as possible before it spreads to the house and yard.
Your Dog Needs Some Space
Sometimes all your dog needs is some downtime. Think about it; you would likely become irritated if you had a busy day and someone kept touching you while you slept.
Even if you simply keep staring at it as it tries to sleep facing you, if it notices that you’re doing so, your dog will probably turn its bum toward you in an effort to avoid being startled.
Try to respect your dog’s bliss when it’s sleeping and leave it alone. To help your dog sleep peacefully, try to limit movement in and around its immediate area.
Does It Harm A Dog To Sleep With His Bum Facing Me?
Now that you understand why dogs sleep with their bum facing you, it’s safe to say it’s not bad at all. Before letting your dog lie in this position, you should inspect his or her underwear.
He might contaminate your pillows or blankets with feces or bacteria if he isn’t the cleanest pet in the house. If you must have him in your bed, make sure he is tidy.
How Can The Behavior Be Stopped?
Some dog owners might find this posture uncomfortable and look for solutions to stop it. Here’s how.
Identify Underlying Issues
Start by addressing potential issues encouraging the behavior. For instance, you might want to teach a timid rescue dog to look at you without being afraid.
Avoid Encouraging The Behavior
You also need to avoid encouraging the behavior. For instance, if you have been patting his bum each time he turns away from you, you are encouraging this behavior and he will be less likely to stop. Use encouraging words each time he snoozes in a different position if you don’t like it.
Correct The Behavior
It could be your dog is used to sleeping with his bum facing you and needs correction. Begin by commanding him to turn around every time he lies in this posture. Give him a treat if he completes the task correctly.
Be consistent so that he learns how to sleep quickly.
Train Your Dog To Sleep On His Bed
Teach him to sleep on his bed if he doesn’t learn to face you while he sleeps. Start by teaching him in another room other than your bedroom to ease the transition. You could make this a comfortable place for him to sleep if you also created a familiar atmosphere.
To create a familiar scent, you can add his favorite toy to make the bed inviting and rub your hands on it. Since you don’t want to develop strife when training him to sleep in his bed, it’s best to establish familiar commands.
Simple commands like ‘bed,’ ‘go to bed,’ or ‘down’ should be effective when used consistently. Be sure to practice the training in different parts of the house to get him used to sleeping on his bed. Additionally, this is a great opportunity to teach him to stay off your bed.
Be sure to invest in a comfortable dog bed, too, as it determines the outcome of your bed training. Consider its dimensions, construction, design, and how accommodating it will be for your dog to stretch out in. A good bed is essential to the quality of the 12 to 14 hours that dogs spend sleeping each day.
Should I Be Worried?
Every action your dog takes has a purpose.
Your dog’s butt facing you while they sleep may not be a major problem unless you suspect anal problems, fleas, or ticks. It is best to speak with your veterinarian to ensure that nothing is wrong if you do suspect any of those causes or you have any other worries.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry and there are no stupid questions!
See more about Why Does My Dog Sleep Under My Bed
Related Questions
What’s With Your Dog Sleeping On Your Clothes?
There are many reasons why your dog might decide to sleep on your clothes.
This behavior might be brought on by your dog’s need for the warmth and coziness that your clothes offer, particularly during the winter.
Your dog may decide to sleep on your clothes as a way of showing how much he enjoys your scent, but in some instances, it may also be a sign that he is experiencing separation anxiety.
Although your dog usually prefers to sit at your feet because they feel safe and at ease there, there are times when dogs will do this to assert their dominance in the home, which is a behavior that shouldn’t be rewarded.
What Motivates Dogs To Sleep So Close To You?
Due to their protective nature and comfort in their presence, dogs prefer to sleep close to their owners. For warmth, safety, and company, dogs in the wild huddle together in packs to sleep.
Do Dogs Sleep Through The Night?
Dogs typically sleep for several hours at a time, though this does not always happen.
They might get up during the night to switch positions, wander the room, or simply lie down and rest while keeping their eyes open. This enables them to remain vigilant and aids in their ability to scan the area for danger.
Your dog does not intend for their bum to be facing you to appear a bit rude. The act of licking the bedframe, the sheets, or simply sleeping in odd places are just a few of the bizarre things dogs do in beds.
Even though they may seem like the silliest animal ever, your dog usually acts for a reason! You may be able to communicate with your dog more effectively if you gain some insight into how they behave.
You can help build your relationship with your pet and gain a better understanding of them by learning the motivations behind your dog’s actions, such as sleeping with their bum facing you.
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